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0 In Baby @en

Baby Haul & Giveaway

Hello everyone, The last few days were pretty busy. Our little mouse was christened, my sister from Hawaii came to visit and we were on vacation in Ibiza. So please visit my Instagram account if you don’t see a new blog post on here. Want to know how my vacation was? Then visit my blog in a few days. There will be a separate blog post about my Ibiza travel soon. As I haven’t posted any baby blog post in the last few weeks, today’s post is…

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0 In Baby @en

Baby Update & Favorite Baby Essentials

Hello everyone! After two weeks I am back with a new blog post. In the meantime, our bundle of joy has arrived and we are now enjoying the time as a little family. Even though our small owl keeps us busy 24/7, I’m still trying to blog on a regular basis. Today’s post is about Babys favorite essentials. We recently received this super cute baby parka by CYRILLUS and I am already looking forward when our little mouse can wear it. I find our new playmat in soft lilac with beautiful little…

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0 In Baby/ Schwangerschaft

Baby Update & Lieblingsstücke aus Babys Erstausstattung

Hallo ihr Lieben, nach knapp zwei Wochen melde ich mich mit einem neuen Blog-Post zurück. Mittlerweile ist unser Nachwuchs auf der Welt und wir genießen die erste Zeit zu dritt! Auch wenn unsere kleine Nachteule unsere ganze Aufmerksamkeit beansprucht, möchte ich dennoch weiterhin versuchen meinen Blog mit Leben zu füllen. Heute möchte ich euch ein paar Lieblingsstücke aus Babys Erstausstattung zeigen. Dieser supersüße Baby-Parka von CYRILLUS ist vor kurzem bei uns eingezogen. Ich finde ihn total stylish und freue mich jetzt schon wenn unsere…

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0 In Allgemein

Pregnancy Photo Shoot & 5 Personal Pregnancy Tips

My pregnancy is coming to an end soon and even though I could not always enjoy it due to some annoying side effects, I am glad I am able to experience this precious time. These photos were taken a few weeks ago. At that time I was 9 months pregnant. Here are my 5 personal pregnancy tips for all the future mamas out there: 1. Yoga and swimming. I did both during my pregnancy on a regular basis and would recommend every pregnant woman to…

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