0 In Baby @en

Nursery Details & DIY

Hello everyone, today I want to show you a few corners of our baby room. We are not finished yet, but I still want to show you the current status. ;o)

Nursery Decor Corner_Get Marvelous

I found the letter C at TJ Maxx in the States a few years ago. The beautiful „You are wonderful“ card and this sweet mug were sent to me by the online store design3000.de.

The turtle and the teddy can be found at Galeria Kaufhof. The bunny is also from design3000.de.

Kuscheltiere_Baby_Get Marvelous

I was busy with the laundry of our little mouse the last few days. Most clothes can be seen in the pic below.  I hope I haven’t bought too many clothes but I definitely wanted to avoid to have not enough though. ;o)

Baby Clothes_Get Marvelous

I find this dress by Petit Bateau so cute and hope that our baby girl will wear it for our first family picture.

Petit Bateau Kleid 4_Get Marvelous

I’ve found these cute closet dividers on the blog of Kristyn. I find them super convenient.

Can you recommend me any stores where where I can buy beautiful baby decor? Where do you buy your baby clothes?

Have you seen my post with my personal 6 pregnancy Must Haves?

Baby Closet Deviders_Get Marvelous

~ In collaboration with design3000.de. ~

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